Tuesday 29 July 2008

'We all Bleed Red'

Well today was a bit different to what i have experienced so far at placement. The grade r teacher 4-5 yr olds was off ill so myself and another volunteer had to take the class for the day. 45 kids in one small room with very limited resources and they really did not listen. Some where adorable others just naughty and crazy but we survived. I had to send 2 little boys to the principal for fighting and then when we took them out to play i was playing football with one and accidentally smacked a ball into his face which was terrible i felt so bad but luckily he was fine. It was quite weird in the playground with them surrounded by barbed wire and all these dodgy men kept walking by and watching.. didnt really feel very safe.. i was quite relieved when we where collected and the children left for the day. I really am attached to my grade 5 class now and looking forward to hopefully being back with them tomorrow. After lunch we left for a tour of the District Six Museaum in downtown Cape Town. It was very moving and once again we had a great guide who actually used to live there before the coloureds and blacks where forcibly removed during apartheid. He spoke about what happened how the people felt and the concequences... gang crime. Women had to work now to survive till late evenings so kids where fending for themselves growing up in clicks which became gangs and so the onset of the terrible violence that started in the townships and has now spread across the nation...everything is becoming clearer that is for sure. I took some photos before we left for home..Walked to Rondebosch to go to the supermarket and then came home. Its a quiet night this evening with some lesson preparation for tomorrow. Love K x

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