Monday 21 July 2008

Monday 21st July...

Hi Everyone, i hope you all enjoyed the weekend :)

My weekend flew by and i cant believe tomorrow is tuesday. On Saturday i didnt get to the safari as i was not feeling very well so stayed home and chilled out. That evening Dean collected me and i went up to his house in Constantia for a lovely meal and met his family and some family friends who knew Alexander. They where all so friendly and wonderful people so i had a lovely evening...I had an early night as yesterday mroning sunday we left at 8 am for our tour to Cape point. We had a long day and didnt get home much before 7 however we saw so many things. Starting at Camps Bay, then Hout Bay, Chapman's peak, Constantia suburbs, The Ostrich farm, then we arrived at cape point the furthest point south where the atlantic and indian oceans meet. We took a train/cable car to the summit and the views where just unbelievable. We then enjoyed a nice lunch in 'the two oceans' restaurant before heading to The cape of Good hope and our last stop Boulders beach where we got to see the penguins!! - The baby ones where so cute and so much smaller than i ever imagined.

Back to placement this morning which was good. I am going to be taking a couple of lessons this week. P.E and then History to teach my glass about district 6 and what happened there once i have been on a tour of the district 6 museaum where we are going sometime this week as part of our perspectives programming.. We just had lunch and some people are off doing different things, or sleeping as everyone is coughing and sneezing. Am contemplating a run or maybe a nap first its amazing how tiring these little children can be!! :)

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