Saturday 26 July 2008

From Capetown with love

Good Morning...
It is about 9 am in CapeTown and the sun is shining!! I desperately wanted a lie in today as 6:30 am wake up calls tire you out but no such luck i think my body clock is set to wake up early now. The house is very quiet as a big group went off to do the Garden route for the weekend and another couple have just left for a wine tour.
Yesterday was the end of another week at Blossom street. Time is flying by..On thursday afternoon we took a tour to the Cape Malay quarter and learnt about the slave trade and also went to the slave house/museum in the city centre. As we learn more about the history of this country it becomes clear why the people living here are living the way they are surrounded by violence and crime.

Last night we decided to go to this local wine bar which is more of a chilled out place with a fire and sofas etc. We called the cab as usual and Annie Leslie and myself got in. The driver had no idea where to go and we ended up in back streets and he was shouting etc. It was a pretty scary situation we are all aware of what is going on but the thing that struck me was driving through a residential area which was only really in an average area, every house had the 'ADT Security' signs outside or posted on their gates and walls. To think everyone has an armed response unit ready to be at their property in 3 minutes is quite a numbing thought. We met some local people and randomly it turns out a girl i went to school with years ago on the island was a really good friend of theirs. Such a small world!!
So i feel like time is flying, im learning , things are starting to make sense...Next Saturday alot of my group are leaving to go back home and the new intake will be here so will be nice to meet some more new people and we have a busy week ahead with placements, talks and on monday we are visiting Robben Island which im really looking forward to...I hope you all enjoy the weekend and those of you at home, the manx sun is shining. I am heading to Newlands today to watch a Western province game and i think Bishops are playing the 'curtain raiser' so will be nice to get some fresh air and do something different although my camera which i bought the day i left London is broken already along with 3 other girls here so im pretty gutted/irritated about that. I will update you all later... Will Love from Capetown :) xx

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