Wednesday 23 July 2008

Comfort comes after a struggle...

Hey Hey Hey...

Its wednesday and i cant believe i am already halfway through another week at my placement. This morning i taught my first lesson to the grade 5 class. The subject was District 6 which was something that came about in an area as a concequence of apartheid so it was quite a delicate subject. It actually went really well so i feel more relaxed now. The teachers at the school are just briallint and i cant say enough good things about the children. Then it was story time so i took my class outside and read them the story about 'Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves' as the sun shone down.
Today we had a special assembly to celebrate Nelson Mandela's birthday. The whole school sat out in their yard and they where so well bahaved it was amazing to watch as the principal along with some grade 7 pupils helped to deliver the story. We heard Mandela's history and everything he has achieved and then everyone sang happy birthday to him. It was very moving to see how he is worshipped and honoured by the community and children that are so young. Estelle one of the other CCS volunteers was asked to go to the front and light a candle for Mandela which was left burning throughout the ceremony. When i went to leave at 12:30 the kids where all running up to say bye. They are just so was one of those days where we walked out smiling when we where collected...

We where home for half 1 or so and today we had some perspective programming which prepared us for our tour of the Malay and slave museuams tomorrow afternoon. We had a Cape Malay lunch and talk by Tahira the placement manager at CCS South Africa. It was really informative and we got to hear about her culture and all the different traditions they have..The sun is shining and some of the group have gone to hike table mountain or to Camps Bay beach. Its pretty chilly but really good atmosphere in the house although i am one of the minority who is not battling with an illness at the moment which is a bit rubbish. I think we may be going to venture to a place on Loop Street this evening called 'Bang Bang' interesting name for a place.... Lots of Love , K x

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