Thursday 17 July 2008

Thursday @CCS in Capetown...continued

The little boy who i mentioned who lives alone with an alcoholic mother drew me a picture today and coloured it all in. He came upto me and said 'teacher Katie this is for you' he is just so sweet. They ask alot of questions about the UK and they are intrigued to know everything!!
Today i alspo got to find out a bit more about some of the pupils. One little girl is struggling due to foetal alcohol syndrome and another has a father in prison for murder. These children are so young and i know these situations are all over the globe but since i have started working with these children you become more aware and compassionate...

38 percent of teachers in Southern Africa are HIV positive.. sorry another random thought but that just shows that Aids and Hiv do not only affect those low down on the socio economic scale..

After the workshop i sat and talked to Shirley the house manager about a few things outside in the sun. Mandela's birthday tomorrow he turns 90 so definately going to be a big day!!

I definately didnt bring enough clothes so just walked to Rondebosch to get some basics..and get phone credit etc. Its so strange so diverse, i can go running in the day or walk to the shop but as soon as it gets dark we are locked behind gated wired fences..2 nights ago the security alarm went off about 1 am and it was pretty terrifying for all. No one knew what was happening or what we where to do. That is one scary thing that is so contrasting to being back at home. Also when we are collected from our placements we have to wait for the driver to come right into the premises through the security gates and collect us right by the door. We are so lucky we have been told the no go's and what we can safely do etc. Sorry to ramble its just remembereing to get it all out.. Might be seeing Alexander's exchange Dean tonight or tom which will be awesome. The bell just rang for dinner and then were heading to this student place called Tiger Tiger in Claremont :) I cant believe its been a week since i left home. It feels like have been here longer but definately in a good way..Love to all . Katie xx

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