Thursday 17 July 2008

Thursday @CCS in Capetown...

Hollaaa all,

I feel like there is so much to say i have seen so much in the last two days it is hard to remember everything.. yesterday we had the afternoon off so a bunch of us travelled into the city and went to green point and the pan african market. Then we where home for dinner before going to Claremont for a quick drink before curfew haha...

Today has been busy...

Wake up @ 6:30 am to shower then breakfast at 7
7:45 be ready to board the right minibus to be driven to township placement
8-1 township placement then 1pm collection for lunch at home base.

After lunch Luann the programme dorector gave us a lecture/workshop on hiv and aids... we learnt so much from her, and this helped me to understand more about why there is such a huge crisis and aids epidemic across southern africa. In Capetown a woman is raped every 4 minutes. This is a shocking statistic. There is a huge problem with orphaned children becuase the middle generation who should be economially active is affected so terribly by the virus...

Day 3 at Blossom primary went really well. I was able to take the grade 5's outside to read them a story. they are so well behaved one little boy even carried a chair out for me so cute!! I spent a while talking to the teacher today about the townships, the children and the culture in general.

Load shedding Sa style so no power... will continue ASAP. Love Xx

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