Wednesday 23 June 2010

I got back from London last week and although it seems like it has been a long week alot has happened. Firstly, with regards to my time in London, I would definitely recommend going to see The Lion King. The choreography and costumes were just fantastic and although I didn't sing along(honestly) I still managed to remember all the song lyrics 'Hakuna Matata, what a wondeful phrase....'

On Thursday I was lucky enough to be invited to attend a Strictly come dancing Salsa master class with Darren and Lilia from the show. I have never done anything like this so was rather apprehensive but hey, it was all in the name of charity, and actually turned out to be really good fun!

On Thursday evening and Friday I attended a higher education event for local sixth formers. I was a representative on the Manx Graduates stand. I spent alot of time talking to students and explaining the benefits of the Manx Graduates portal. I found it quite strange to be back in the same hall I was in as an eager 6th former laden with University prospectuses almost 5 years ago. Where does the time go!?!? It is definitely worth taking the time to register on the Manx Graduates site and I hope that Manx students returning to the island as well as local employers continue to benefit from the facility.

PDMS is sponsoring the Social media Club's 'Super Third Thursday' tomorrow with a lunchtime seminar event at the Hilton - 'Enabling Internal Communities' . I'm looking forward to seeing some old and new faces and this is my first experience of the Island's SMC!

Thursday 10 June 2010

London's Calling!

Im flying off to London tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait!
Although I am only spending the weekend there (wish it was much longer) I am so looking forward to seeing some close friends.
I have tickets to see the Lion King Musical on Sunday afternoon at the Lyceum Theatre. I loved the film as a child so I can't wait!!
Hakuna Matata, K x

My Experience as a Graduate of the Class of 2009

In January of my final year at university, I was somewhat surprised when a career adviser assured me I should send out no less than fifty job applications. However, with my final exams and my dissertation looming, finding the time to fill out the lengthy job application templates became ever more challenging. Although the option to continue my studies by enrolling on a Postgraduate programme was appealing, I felt enthusiastic about getting into the workplace and starting out on the career ladder. In two words though, there was one slight problem: The Recession.

The career advice turned out to be somewhat optimistic. I was leaving the protective academic environment of University for work in a period when graduate recruitment had been cut significantly and competition for roles was fierce.

Though this might be better viewed as a ‘challenge’ rather than a ‘problem’, it was definitely an additional hurdle to overcome that few of us had expected when we started studying. It appeared that life after study was going to be far from the ‘Land of Milk and Honey’ that I had been expecting.

Towards the end of September I returned to my family home on the Island and immediately registered with a number of the local recruitment agencies. At this stage there seemed to be a number of temporary positions available in the finance sector but very limited graduate level opportunities. I quickly realised that it was better for me to be ‘temping’ and out in the workforce rather than sitting at home becoming somewhat disillusioned. I took up temporary work in the local banking sector on the premise that I would keep applying for jobs relevant to my interests and qualifications. Although there were days of frustration, on reflection I am glad that I spent the time working in an industry about which I had no previous experience. I was fortunate to work in different departments within the company which meant that I learnt much more about the sector than I had originally anticipated, and this general insight may prove to be a useful foundation on which to begin an MBA programme.

As part of my initial flurry of applications during my time at University I was already registered on the Manx Graduates (www. website. When I heard the software company PDMS were recruiting for a marketing graduate, I registered my interest via the Manx Graduates job portal and was then asked to submit a discussion paper on the subject of ‘B2B Marketing and Social Media’, to complete the first round.

Thankfully, I made it to the second round. For this, I was invited for an Interview at PDMS’s new headquarters in the Isle of Man Business Park. This involved an in depth interview with the Managers responsible for HR and Marketing, on topics ranging from my previous work experience, my degree and my goals for the next couple of years. I was fortunate that nerves were far less of an issue having dealt with interviews in a number of recruitment agencies and for various employment roles.

The final stage saw me present on the title ‘Why I want to progress a career in Marketing and What I can bring to PDMS?’ to a group of senior managers including two of PDMS’s directors. During this presentation I outlined how both my natural and university developed skills compliment a role in marketing. Combining study for an MBA with work, I would be afforded the opportunity to apply the general business education while I learn it. Skills such as time management and scheduling will also be important factors.

After a couple of weeks of waiting I was given the news that I had been successful in the final stage of interviews and that I was being offered the job. I was delighted. I accepted the offer and enthusiastically looked forward to my first permanent job as a graduate.

The UK Graduate Careers Survey 2009 revealed that the emphasis for graduate job-hunters in 2009 was on job security and securing one of a dwindling number of places on a company graduate development scheme. With this in mind, I was very fortunate that the development of the Island’s Graduate MBA Scheme has given me the perfect opportunity to work for a leading software development company (PDMS), whilst also providing the training to further enhance the skills I gained during my Undergraduate studies.

A couple of months on and I am now settled in my new role as Marketing Executive at PDMS. I am extremely fortunate to be working in such an innovative and forward thinking company with a fantastic team of colleagues.

I will commence my MBA studies at the Business School in September. As well as the academic challenge of the course, I believe I will benefit from relationships forged with my fellow graduates, gaining a valuable insight into management challenges in other sectors of business.

With the MBA, the Department of Economic Development will be meeting the full costs of tuition, exam fees and the additional costs of the mentoring process. This is a superb opportunity and I would encourage my fellow Manx students who have graduated within the last 3 years to find out more about the MBA Graduate Scheme.

I was already extremely privileged to graduate from University with no student debt unlike many of my peers in the UK and that was only possible due to the generous support that the Isle of Man Government provides to the island’s students. This new scheme offers great potential for further skilling the islands population and drawing back Manx Graduates.

Monday 22 March 2010

Something Different in the Isle of Man

This weekend for the first time since I care to remember I completely bypassed The Courthouse et al. I had been reminded of some outdoor 'activities' I was keen to try out..Enter Go Karting at Jurby and Pony Trekking in Little London. I had the perfect person in mind to join me, a classic 'There is absolutely nothing to do on this island' victim.
Thankfully it was a lovely day and the sun was shining, we drove up to Jurby to the karting track There was no one else there so I was spared some embarrassment as I suited up in full black waterproof overalls and helmet..If I recall I was lapped 3 times but despite this it was good fun and definitely a different way to enjoy being outdoors. I have cousins visiting over Easter weekend and have already planned to revisit Jurby as I think it will be more exciting with more than 2 of us racing.
On the return to Douglas we looked out for Milntown House an estate created in the early 16th century with the hope of stopping off for a coffee or afternoon tea. Unfortunately due to rather hazy directions we couldn't manage to find it.

That evening I sampled some produce from Paddy's Market in Port St Mary - worth a visit if your in the area!!

Sunday afternoon came around and it was time for outdoor activity number 2. Pony trekking in Little London
There was a group of about 7 of us who set out on the trek, the scenery was beautiful and it was so nice to be out in the fresh air doing something different. Definitely would recommend the experience, just be prepared for some sore muscles in the morning!!

Thursday 18 February 2010


Microsoft Gold Partner designation recognises Netcetera's Managed Web Hosting expertise Isle of Man, THE BRITISH ISLES, 28 January 2010

Netcetera (, one of Europe’s leading managed hosting and datacentre providers, today announced the renewal of their Gold Partner status with Microsoft in line with the companies Corporation's Partner Network. The Microsoft Partner Network, formerly the Microsoft Partner Program, is a community born from the continued commitment to serve the needs of partners and to help them and their customers reach their maximum potential.

The Gold Partner designation recognises Netcetera's expertise and total impact in the Microsoft technology marketplace showcasing competencies in Hosting Solutions and Networking Infrastructure Solutions whilst reflecting Netcetera’s breadth and depth of experience, outstanding customer satisfaction and a commitment to the highest standards.

"The renewal of our Microsoft Gold Partner status will continue to provide Netcetera the opportunity to provide enhanced services to our clients," said Tim Cass, Netcetera's CTO. "In addition, it enables us to access exclusive resources to help increase our customer's revenues and provide new market opportunities and solutions to grow and develop their business".

Netcetera has again been conferred with Microsoft Competencies in Networking Infrastructure Solutions and Hosting Solutions and recognised as a Small Business Specialist. Microsoft Competencies certify an in-depth technical and business knowledge and expertise in specific domains and defined areas of specialization. This provides Netcetera with a platform to showcase their unique skills on offer to potential partners or customers and in turn align their business with Microsoft's latest software and technology initiatives.

The Microsoft Partner Program was launched in October 2003 and represents Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to the success of partners worldwide. The program offers a single, integrated partnering framework that recognizes partner expertise, rewards the total impact that partners have in the technology marketplace, and delivers more value to help partners’ businesses be successful. 2010 saw the continuation of the changes introduced the previous year to the renewal process of Gold partner status which brought about significant changes which involved both Netcetera’s partners and customers. Engagement in the renewal process included providing customer references as well as customers being required to complete an in depth questionnaire – The Customer satisfaction survey (CSAT). The survey is a fast and effective survey solution which Microsoft have provided and its completion is a necessity for re-enrollment at Gold Certified level. Partners must receive 10 or more survey responses in a quarterly survey period. The benefits of CSAT are compiled analytics which designate a numerical score for various aspects of solution delivery. This creates an opportunity for ongoing conversations with customers and can help understand their business needs and provide an opportunity to exceed their expectations.

"We are extremely pleased to have maintained the trust of both our legacy accounts and look forward to earning it from our new ones. The Gold Partner designation has allowed us to clearly promote our expertise and relationship not only with Microsoft, but our customers and partners as well." said Peter Skelton, CEO of Netcetera. "The benefits provided through this partnership will allow us to continue to enhance and grow the hosting services that we provide for partners and Netcetera customers."

About Netcetera:
Netcetera was established in 1996 and is the largest web hosting company on the Isle of Man in addition to being one of Europe’s leading managed hosting and datacentre providers. Providing co-location, dedicated servers and managed hosting infrastructure, Netcetera provide services to businesses in over 60 countries worldwide.

Netcetera’s 16,000 square foot ISO27001 certified facility located in the Isle of Man, allows the company to offer any business enterprise level co-location and hosted solutions. Netcetera can provide companies with the IT requirements they need from single server co-location and disaster recovery to fully customised and dedicated servers. Netcetera offers relief to companies and allows them to maintain a focus on their core business instead of managing servers, networks and firewalls often at significant cost savings. As a web host Netcetera offers a steadfast, cost effective service delivered through leading technology channels with superior quality bandwidth and expert personnel. All processes are well defined to ISO9001 standards. For further information please visit

Contact Information
Press Office
UK: 0871 3096 461

Thursday 28 January 2010

When should You consider upgrading to a Dedicated Server?

A slow web site will be having a negative effect on your business. With the increase of download speeds on home computers users will not want to wait to load your site – they will simply look elsewhere. The average user will leave your site after waiting 8-10 seconds for a page to load – and most of them will never return.

Therefore, in order to enhance your business opportunities it is crucial that you have a fast, high performance website. The most effective way of ensuring you have a high speed website is by switching from a shared to a dedicated server. The primary reason for this is that if your site is hosted by a shared server you are in effect operating as a member of a group. If for any reason another client on your server has an increase in web traffic or increases the size of their web site there is a pretty good chance that your speed and performance will be affected.

By choosing the option of having your own fast dedicated server you are given exclusive access to all of the resources on the server allowing you to customize your plan. You are not required to share the space, memory or bandwidth for your site which enables optimization ultimately increasing your processor speed.

In terms of scalability, fast dedicated servers offer greater options. If your website is experiencing an increase in visitor numbers and as a result is becoming slower than desired you can simply add more RAM if required, or even add a load balancer to your server to split the load across two dedicated servers, or more.

Another benefit of a dedicated server is the availability of your own unique IP address. Added to these benefits is the fact that a dedicated server offers heightened security as no one else will be able to access the server other than you, this makes the risk of viruses extremely minimal.

If you have a high amount of traffic hitting your web site, are involved in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) projects, or simply want the best possible support service for your web site, a switch to a dedicated server is the fastest move you should be making.

Need to improve the speed of your web site?

Contact one of our Hosting Specialists to see how you could benefit from Netcetera’s superior network reliability and service.

Thursday 21 January 2010

The use of Social Media in B2B Marketing - Discuss

Today’s global economy is genuinely borderless. Information, capital and innovation flow all over the world at top speed, enabled by technology and fuelled by the consumer’s desire for access to the best and least expensive products. The latest addition to the world of marketing is the increased use of the world wide web and the uptake of social media platforms to broaden marketing strategies.

When one business is marketing to another social media can be used to increase a company’s reach and new visibility, impove brand recognition and enhance the service which the company can provide their customers through a ‘new’ idea of market research which can be gained through a new medium of interaction and engagement with their existing and potential customers.

It is important for B2B companies to be involved in social media primarily through channels where their current client base are located. Although the world we are living in is rapidly changing the online world of social media can at first be a daunting place for someone who is considered to be a traditional marketer and is not familiar with the entire range of options available to them. Therefore it is reccommended that B2B companies initially increase their marketing from an area integrated with social media which they already are familiar with.
By developing their use of social media in this way it will help to ensure that the basics are covered first allowing them to maximise the value and benefits which social media offers through professional and clear cut processes which is vital for the successful integration of social media.

The development of a clear cut strategy focussing on the content will enable the successful execution of a companies entry into the field of social media. The increase of web traffic to a companies website will in turn bring the opportunity to exploit the potential of new business leads in a relatively cheap manner.

It is important to remember that social media can be extremely time consuming and for this reason may not be the best option for very small businesses. The pro’s and con’s need to be evaluated to decide if it will be worth the investment in time for each individual company. The benefits of social media for B2B marketing differ somewhat from those of B2C marketing. The principle reason for this is the market size of which they target with B2B markets generally being on a much smaller scale to B2C markets, this means that due to the likelihood of repeat sales the value of a B2B individual customer is much higher than that of an individual B2C customer. Another point to remember is that due to the nature of B2B marketing all sales should be nurtured and maintained to the highest level.

It should not be forgotten that all marketers themselves are consumers and therefore can use their own channels of social media, whichever they choose to be involved in be it Facebook, Twitter, You Tube or other forums to give positive and negative reports on products which they consume and this in turn is fed back to their contacts and spreads through ‘word of mouth’ which is widely believed to be one of the best forms of marketing and advertising.

I believe that if any company uses social media within its marketing strategy the main ingredients for a successful recipe are : Prove the principle and set achievable goals and targets.