Thursday 7 August 2008

Cape Town - Where time passes too fast...

Wow this week is flying by. It crazy I am supposed to be leaving CCS on Saturday but am staying another week at the moment as this month has just gone by too quickly.
All the new volunteers are settling in well and my new room mate is also called Kate shes greek too and from the States which is awesome. On Monday we went to placement it was much quieter as orientation had started for the new volunteers so Malinga took us 7 ‘veterans’ to our placements which was good as I got to see some of the other places the girls are working at.
Tuesday morning was quite hectic at school as the strikes which where on Wednesday where starting to have an impact and teachers where deciding if they where going to march or strike and the school had to decide if it would close down or not. We where told it would not be safe for us as volunteers to be in the communities we work in but when we got home Tahira had made an announcement that none of us could attend our placements on Wednesday due to safety and the risk of rioting. So we had the day off but could not use public transport or go into the city centre. I had an a great day though. We went down to the Waterfront to meet some of the girls who where leaving this week who had just come back from a few days in Stallenbosch for lunch which was nice. We sat outside and the sun was shining. After lunch Annie, Erica and I decided it was a perfect day for table mountain. We took a cab to the bottom and bought our tickets for the cable car up. It was totally amazing - what an experience!! We could see the whole of Cape Town around us and it was such a clear day. We walked around the summit to see all the different views and animals up there. The clouds where then coming and they where blowing through us so we where walking through them. Completely fantastic experience…we where so high up that taking the cable car back down was a little freaky but definitely completely worth it. Last night I was so tired so I just stayed in to prepare for placement today.
Today, Thursday… im sad the week is almost over!! I arrived at Blossom today and first period I taught 5a a lesson on nutrition and diet etc. I had prepared 2 worksheets for them to do with activities and then gave them a quick talk and question session which was great. I love these kids so much. Afterwards I took them out for P.E and the boys played football with the flattest football I have seen. I played netball with the girls and it was hard to watch. These kids are so athletic and talented and they have nothing they play without any goal posts but they know all the rules, the positions and even how to pivot. Definitely going to play some more with them tomorrow. After break I taught the parallel grade 5b class the nutrition lesson before my transport came to fetch me at half 12. Our route home is longer now as we have to go over to Rondebosch East to collect 2 ladies working at a school called Crystal House. Its good I have the same driver but I miss the volunteers who used to be in my van.. The vibe was more my scene then. But its early days I guess and the new people are experiencing what I was when I first arrived so they have a lot of things to express. Came home for lunch which was macaroni and cheese. Everyone was joking about the carbohydrate loads here and how its an Atkins nightmare - it really is… after lunch I had a nap as I was wrecked after being up at 6 again. I just walked into Rondebosch which took about 10 minutes on my own it was fine. I went to Pick and Pay to buy some goodies for my kids as its their market day tomorrow which means they come in their own clothes and they bring food to sell to the other grades and this is how the school raises funds to buy the basics like paper and chalk for their black boards.
My room mate Carrie who has been here the last 4 weeks with me is leaving tomorrow and its her 22nd birthday today so we are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate and say goodbye to her. I really cant believe its been a month. Im looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow evening a whole bunch of us are going to Newlands to watch the Rugby, Western Province vs. the Sharks from Durban. Its meant to be a big game and Nick the guy who Alexander met is starting which is great as hes still young to be playing for a provincial side. ( on Sunday we went to the wine bar to watch a film and have dinner and Nick had arranged to meet a girl who was friends of friends he had met on exchange in the U.K , she was called Felicity and is travelling in Sa for the next month turns out shes at University in Leeds so it was good to chat to someone from home, what a small world!!) The game starts at 7 pm then Saturday morning im going to weatehr permitting walk down to Bishops and watch max whose on exchange from the Island and Dean play rugby before heading to a township to stay in a b and b for the night. Its meant to be an amazing I will definitely keep you posted. The sun is shining and spring is here for sure its so nice outside and I am definitely very happy and relaxed here. I hope that your all taking care wherever you are and appreciate this world. I know it sounds cliched but its very true. Love K x

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