Saturday 2 August 2008

Another Chapter a new Beginning...

I have just said goodbye to about 18 of the volunteers who have headed to CT international to catch that Delta flight. My room mate Alex left today and going to miss having her around. I still dont do good byes very well but see you soon's are better and this world is so small and big at the same time.
I didnt get much sleep last night as th cough is getting worse and Annie, Carrie and Alex all came in late then left at 5 to go Shark cage diving. I was up at 7 with everyone packing and switching rooms then the new volunteers started to arrive so leslie and i took them to Rondebosch to grab some coffee and breakfast and show them around before coming home..its strange to have so many new faces to get used to and they where all amazed at how much we knew about the city, all the places we had been and the things we have seen. I am so lucky to be experiencing this right now and the family at 3 Hermitage..I think we will go for dinner tonight and get to chat to everyone. Glad that the girls staying on with me are the ones i really connected with these past 3 weeks. Think its time for a nap and then to watch the rugby at 5 and chill..Despite the goodbyes i am definately looking forward to this next week :) xxx

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