Tuesday 18 November 2008

Sunday 16 November 2008

In our hearts a hopeful song...

I can't believe how quickly time is flying by right now, I only have 4 weeks left of this Semester before the Christmas Vacation. Its scary, the academic work is starting to pile up and i dont think the horizon will be clear now until i finish my degree in May. Although after Christmas time always goes so much quicker.

I have not been home for 2 months now and it really has not bothered me, so after 3 months it will be nice to get back to some home comforts, i have now been away for longer than when i was in South Africa. I am still missing it dearly, and its strange what we learn and appreciate. The thing i miss the most is my Grade 5 class, i wish i could just go and spend just one hour with the kids and see their smiles and have some awesome hugs from them. I hope for them all that everything is ok and their troubles are somehow getting easier if that is possible. I am still emailing the teacher i was working with who is keeping me updated with Blossom Street news. Once i have some spare time in January or over the holidays i am going to try and organise some fundraising or getting some supplies out to the school.
For me, things have changed ever since i stepped off the plane in Cape Town. I still think i dreamt it all sometimes, there is so much out there, 'Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.;The opportunities are endless if you just believe' Thats something South Africa taught me to believe in...XOXO